- url
: sonoda coffee | https://sonodacoffee.jp
- credit
山口県美祢市にある珈琲屋さん"sonoda coffee"様のWebサイトを制作いたしました。オーナー自ら手を加え作り出された店内では、心地いいアンビエントが流れ、まるで異国に招待されたような気持ちにさせてくれます。自家焙煎した拘り抜かれた豆をネルドリップで淹れた珈琲と季節のデザートで至福な時間を過ごせます。
We produced the website for "sonoda coffee", a coffee shop in Mine City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. The owner of the coffee shop has created the store with his own hands, and the comfortable ambient music makes you feel as if you have been invited to a foreign country. You can spend a blissful time with coffee brewed by nerd drip from home-roasted and carefully selected beans and seasonal desserts.
: client | sonoda coffee
: planning / design / webproduction / photo | poikadesigns